Thursday, April 19, 2012

he said again

"I'm sorry," he said again, thinking how inadequate it sounded. Her hands tightened on his and did not let go. They faced each other m the dusk without speaking for a long time. As he held her hands, Morgan was reminded of Quickening, of the way she had felt, of the feelings she had invoked in him. He found that he missed her desperately and would have given anything to have her back again. "Enough testing," Damson whispered. "Let's talk instead. I'll tell you everything that's happened to me. You do the same about yourself. Par and Padishar need us. Maybe together we can come up with a way to help." She squeezed his hands as if there were no pain in her own and gave him an encouraging smile. He bent to retrieve the Sword of Leah, then started back with her through the trees to- ward the glow of the cooking fires. His mind was spinning, working through what she had told him, sorting out impres- sions from facts, trying to glean something useful. Damson was right. The Valeman and the leader of the free-born needed them. Morgan was determined not to let either down. But what could he do?

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