Wednesday, April 18, 2012

She smiled.

Wren sat back against a half-fallen acacia whose exposed roots maintained a tenuous grip on the mountain rock. The Ruhk Staff rested on her lap, momentarily forgotten. Faun bur- rowed into her shoulder for a time as the tremors continued, then disappeared down inside her blanket to hide. She watched the small, solid figure of Dal slip past to take the first watch.

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Her eyes were heavy as she stared out at the dark, but she found she was not yet ready to sleep. She needed to think awhile first. She had been sitting there for only a few moments when Gavilan appeared. He came out of the darkness rather suddenly, and she started in spite of herself. "Sorry," he apologized hurriedly. "Can I sit with you awhile?" She nodded wordlessly, and he settled himself next to her, his own blanket wrapped loosely about his shoulders, his hair tangled and damp. His handsome face was etched with fatigue, but a hint of the familiar smile appeared. "How are you feeling?" "I'm all right," she answered.

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"You look very tired." She smiled. "Would that we had known," he murmured. She glanced over. "Known what?" "Everything. Anything! Something that would have prepared us better for what we're going through." His voice sounded odd to her, almost frenetic. "It is almost like being cast adrift in an ocean without a map and being told to navigate to safety and at the same time to refrain from using the little bit of drinking water we are fortunate enough to carry with us." "What do you mean?"

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