Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pe Ell stared at him expressionlessly.

Pe Ell stared at him expressionlessly. "Like you said, old man-lucky for you." Dees rose, as bearish as any Koden Morgan might have imag-

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188 The Druid of Shannara ined, sullen and forbidding when he set his face as he did now. He faced Pe Ell as if he meant to have at him. Then he said, "There's all sorts of luck. Some you've got and some you make. Some you carry with you and some you pick up along the way. You're going to need all kinds of it getting in and out of Eldwist. The Koden, he's a thing you wouldn't want to dream about on your worst night. But let me tell you something. After you see what else is down there, what lies beyond Bone Hollow, you won't have to worry about the Koden anymore. Because the dreams you'll have on your worst nights after that will be con- cerned with other things!"

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Pe Ell's shrug was scornful and indifferent. "Dreams are for frightened old men, Homer Dees." Dees glared at him. "Brave words now." "I can see it," Walker Boh said suddenly. His voice was soft, almost a whisper, but it silenced the others instantly and brought them about to face him. The Dark Uncle was staring out across the broken desolation of the Hollow, seemingly unaware that he had spoken.

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