Friday, April 13, 2012

They didn't speak for a time

"Then perhaps he is relying on you to tell him." Par nodded slowly. "That makes better sense. I told him I was going; maybe he thinks that one of us going is enough." Coil stretched his big frame full length on the ground and stared up into the trees. "But you don't believe that either, do you?" His brother smiled faintly. "No." "You still think that it's something else." "Yes." They didn't speak for a time, staring off into the woods, think- ing their separate thoughts. Slender streams of sunlight played along their bodies through chinks in the limbs canopied over- head, and the songs of birds filtered through the stillness. "I like it here," Par said finally. Coil had his eyes closed. "Where do you think he's hiding?" "Walker? I don't know. Under a rock, I suppose." "You're to6 quick to judge him, Par. You don't have the right to do that." Par bit off what he was going to say next and contented him- self with watching a ray of sunlight work its way across Coil's face until it was in his eyes, causing him to blink and shift his body. Coil sat up, his squarish face a mask of contentment. Not much of anything ruffled him; he always managed to keep his sense of balance. Par admired him for that. Coil always under- 118 The Scions of Shannara stood the relative importance of events in the greater scheme of things.

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