Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You can't know that!

His face hardened. "Why? Because something went wrong when it was used before? Because those who used it hadn't the ability or strength or sense of what was needed to use it prop- erly?" She shook her head, voiceless.

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"Wren! The magic has to be used! It has to be! That is why it is there in the first place! If we don't make use of it, someone else will, and then what? This isn't a game we play. You know as much. There are things out there so dangerous that . . "Things the Elves made!" she said angrily. "Yes! A mistake, I agree! But others would have made them if we had not!" "You can't know that!"

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"It doesn't matter. The fact remains we made them for a good cause! We have learned a lot! The making is in the soul of the wielder of the power! It simply requires strength of pur- pose and channeling of need! This time we can do it right!" He broke off, waiting for her response. They faced each other in silence. Then Wren took a deep breath and reached down to remove his hand from the Staff. "I don't think you had better say anything more." His smile was bitter, ironic. "Once you were angry because I hadn't said enough." "Gavilan," she whispered. "Do you think this will all go away if we don't talk about it, that everything will somehow just work out?" She shook her head slowly, sadly.

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