Thursday, April 5, 2012

I did feel a little ashamed then.

"I couldn't have -- talked this way -- to you, Billy, even if I'd heard people -- lyin' 'bout you. But jus' soon's I can s-stand up -- I'll break your neck -- don' f'get it." I did feel a little ashamed then. But it was to save Tom. In the morning, when I explained it, we would have a good laugh over it together. In about twenty minutes Tom dropped into a sound, easy slumber. I felt his pulse, listened to his respiration, and let him sleep. Everything was normal, and Tom was safe. I went into the other room and tumbled into bed. I found Tom up and dressed when I awoke the next morning. He was entirely himself again with the exception of shaky nerves and a tongue like a white-oak chip. "What an idiot I was," he said, thoughtfully. "I remember thinking that quinine bottle looked queer while I was taking the dose. Have much trouble in bringing me 'round?"

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