Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Where?" Pe Ell asked.

' 'The Koden?'' Dees asked sharply. He came forward a step. "Where?" Pe Ell asked. Walker's gesture was obscure. Morgan looked anyway and saw nothing. He glanced at the others. None of them appeared to be able to find it either. But Walker Boh was paying no atten- tion to any of them. He seemed instead to be listening for some- thing. "If you really can see it, point it out to me," Pe Ell said finally, his voice carefully neutral. Walker did not respond. He continued to stare.' 'It feels ..." he began and stopped. "Walker?" Quickening whispered and touched his arm. The pale countenance shifted away from the Hollow at last and the dark eyes found her own. "I must find it," he said. He glanced at each of them in turn. ' 'Wait here until I call for you.'' Morgan started to object, but there was something in the other man's eyes that stopped him from doing so. Instead, he watched silently with the others as the Dark Uncle walked alone into Bone Hollow. The day was still, the air windless, and nothing moved in the ragged expanse of the Hollow save Walker Boh. He crossed the broken stone in silence, a ghost who made no sound and left no mark. There were times in the past few weeks when he had The Druid of Shannara 189 thought himself little more.

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