Thursday, April 19, 2012

Padishar first, he thought.

The smell of food from the cooking fire reached out to him enticingly. For the first time since he had arrived, he was hun- gry- Par and Padishar. Padishar first, he thought. Chandos had said five days. If the Seekers didn't reach him first ... It came to him in a rush, the picture so clear in his mind he almost cried out. He reached over impulsively and put his arm around Damson's shoulders. "I think I know how to free Padishar," he said. x Five days the Four Horsemen circled the walls of Paranor, and five days Walker Boh stood on the castle battlements and watched. Each dawn they assembled at the west gates, shadows come from the gloom of fading night. One would approach, a different one each time, and strike the gates once in challenge. When Walker failed to appear they would resume their grim vigil, spreading out so that there was one at each compass point, one at each of the main walls, riding in slow, ceaseless cadence, circling like birds of prey. Day and night they rode, specters of gray mist and dark imaginings, si- lent as thought and certain as time. "Incarnations of man's greatest enemies," Cogline mused when he saw them for the first time. "Manifestations of our worst fears, the slayers of so many, given shape and form and sent to destroy us." He shook his head. "Can it be that Rimmer Dall has a sense of humor? "

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