Friday, April 13, 2012

It looks as if we might get our feet wet

Par put his arms around his brother and hugged him, thinking of all the times Coil had stood by him when he was asked, warmed by the feeling it gave him to know that Coil would be with him again now. "I knew I could depend on you," was all he said. It was late afternoon by the time they started back. They had intended to return earlier, but had become preoccupied with talking about the dreams and AUanon and had wandered all the way to the east wall of the valley before realizing how late it had become. Now, with the sun already inching toward the rim of the western horizon, they began to retrace their steps. The Scions of Shannara 119 "It looks as if we might get our feet wet," Coil announced as they worked their way back through the trees. Par glanced skyward. A mass of heavy rain clouds had ap- peared at the northern edge of the valley, darkening the whole of the skyline. The sun was already beginning to disappear, enveloped in the growing darkness. The air was warm and sticky, and the forest was hushed. They made their way more quickly now, anxious to avoid a drenching. A stiff breeze sprang up, heralding the approach of the storm, whipping the leafy branches of the trees about them in frantic dances. The temperature began to drop, and the forest grew dark and shadowed. Par muttered to himself as he felt a flurry of scattered rain- drops strike his face. It was bad enough that they were out there looking for someone who wasn't about to be found in the first place. Now they were going to get soaked for their efforts.

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