Tuesday, March 27, 2012

And so handsome, too

"And so handsome, too." "You have a lovely voice." Gonff waved a modest paw. "Save it for Trubbs and company, ladies. I'm promised to my Columbine." "Is she pretty?" "Very pretty?" "Prettier than us?" "Well, she's certainly prettier than Gonff," Martin, Dinny and Log-a-Log chimed in impudently. "I'd say half as pretty again." "Oi'd say twoice as pri'ee, hurr hurr." Boar roared with laughter and raised his battle sword. "Cheek, shall I chop off their heads, Gonff?" The mousethief flushed scarlet beneath his fur. "No, just their legs will do, Boar. They need their mouths to eat and make silly remarks with." To ease Gonff's embarrassment, Buffheart beckoned the friends. "Have you seen our fire lizard?" "Fire lizard? No," Gonff chipped in quickly. "Let's go and have a look!" They followed Boar and the hares, trooping up more flights of stairs until they were somewhere near the echo cave. Buffheart took them into a side cave that had a big open window slot. By the side of the window lay a great stone carving of a fearsome head, a grotesque parody of what its maker had imagined a dragon should look like.

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