Thursday, March 29, 2012

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The mousemaid broke free; throwing herself down in front of Joseph, she pleaded brokenly, "Oh, please don't slay us, sir. Please!" The young squirrel attempted to bite Finnbarr Galedeep again; he struggled and kicked viciously, shouting, "Save your breath Wincey. They're pirates, you won't get mercy from this scummy lot!"

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Rosie Woodsorrel confronted him. "Now see here, young thingummybob, mind your manners. Do we look like pirates?" Squirming hard to get free of the sea otter's iron grip, the young squirrel bared his teeth. "If you're not pirates, then tell this big searat to let go of me!" he snarled. Joseph filled two platters with Pearl Queen Pudden, then, taking the mousemaid's paw gently, he signaled Finnbarr to release the young squirrel. "Don't be frightened of Finnbarr," he said to them. "He's just a great big old sea otter. What's your name, young un?" "My name's Benjy an' I'm not afraid of you or any-beast!"

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"Of course you're not. Come and have something to eat, Benjy." Joseph placed the plates of pudding in front of Benjy and Wincey, speaking softly to allay their fears. "Rosie, is there any raspberry cordial in the galley? Bring our guests a beaker each. Come on, young uns, eat up. You look as if a plate of pudding apiece would cheer you up. Oh come on now, we're not going to hurt you." They ate hungrily, grunting and snuffling in their haste to get the pudding down. Rosie brought their cordial. The BeUmaker 26 ( "My word, has there been a seven-season famine around here?" She laughed. With his whiskers coated with fruit and pastry, Benjy shot her a quick glance. "You don't look like no searat," he said. "I should hope not, and don't speak with y'mouth full," Rosie said as she refilled the two plates. "We're honest voyagers from Redwall Abbey, and we don't go about slayin' and whatnot. Just look at you two! A good bath, some more food, an' clean clothes is what y'need." Joseph took the little mousemaid on his lap. "I had a little one like you, though she's quite big now. Tell me, Wincey, how did you come to this place?" She took a great sucking gulp of raspberry cordial and shrugged. "Always been here, I think."

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