Thursday, March 29, 2012

The mousebabe looked furtively about

The mousebabe looked furtively about, then drawing close he whispered in Blaggut's ear, "A course we does!" The searat brightened up; his ruse was working. "Right then, you show me the treasure, an' I'll make ee an' 'and-some liddle boat t'sail round the pond in, eh?" "No, Zurr," said the molemaid, stroking her digging claws solemnly. "Furst you carp ee boat fer us'n's, then we tell ee whurr secret treasure be 'idden, hurt!" Blaggut considered the offer, peering closely at the two well-scrubbed faces radiating honesty and trust at him. "Haharr, you drive an 'ard bargain, but it's a deal, buckoes. One thing though: swear you won't tell anybeast about this?" The mousebabe shook his paw vigorously in Blaggut's face. "We don' swear. S'not nice t'swear, y'get sent t' bed." The BeUmaker 269 ' 'Bless yer 'eart, messmate.'' The dullard searat grinned. "I don't mean swear 'n' curse, I means we gotta take a vow t'getner, a solemn oath." The three conspirators placed their paws together, and the Dibbuns repeated the words that Blaggut recited: "I take this oath." "We take an oaf." "That me liver 'n' lights be ripped out if'n any of us breathes a word of our secret to anybeast, so 'elp ee!" "Hurr e liver be gripped when ee lights be out an' ee secret breathin' of anybeasters to 'elp ee!" Blaggut scratched his head as both Dibbuns smiled at him. "I never 'card it said like that afore, but I s'pose it'll 'ave ter do, mates!" An air of gloom hung over the breakfast tables in Cavern Hole. Blind Simeon wrinkled his whiskers in disgust as he took his seat.

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