Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Oh, he does it easily, old sport.

Martin countered Lupin's blade as Boar roared out instructions. "That's how to block the downward chop. Now let go of die blade. Sweep it down and under. Two paws on the haft, straight up and slice. Quickly, turn in and slice again at head height." It took Lupin all her skill to duck Martin's blade. She backed off, panting as she leaned on her sword. "Whew. Golly, there's not a lot you can teach this warrior." "Can't I, though." Boar smiled. "Watch this!" The badger picked up a fire iron from the forge. Thrusting one paw into his blacksmith's apron, he adopted a ready stance. "On guard, Martin," he called. "Go for a direct thrust." Martin came on guard. Moving in swiftly to take the badger by surprise, he lunged and stabbed forward. Boar hardly seemed to move. With a flick of his fire iron he disarmed Martin, sending the sword spinning and pinning Martin against the wall in the same movement, the fire iron hovering a fraction away from the warrior mouse's right eye. "How did you do that?" Martin gasped with shock. 279 Trubbs and company were watching from the sidelines. "Oh, he does it easily, old sport." "No trouble to the jolly old boss." "Quick as a wink, doncha know." Boar laughed aloud. "It's only a trick, Martin. Don't get discouraged. I'll show you a dozen more like it before this day's through. Pick up your sword, on guard again."

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