Wednesday, March 21, 2012


In point of fact, three minutes had not elapsed when the men made their appearance.   There were four of them now.   All were tall, dressed in long, brown coats, with round hats, and huge cudgels in their hands.   Their great stature and their vast fists rendered them no less alarming than did their sinister stride through the darkness. One would have pronounced them four spectres disguised as bourgeois.   They halted in the middle of the space and formed a group, like men in consultation.   They had an air of indecision.   The one who appeared to be their leader turned round and pointed hastily with his right hand in the direction which Jean Valjean had taken; another seemed to indicate the contrary direction with considerable obstinacy. At the moment when the first man wheeled round, the moon fell full in his face.   Jean Valjean recognized Javert perfectly. BOOK FIFTH.--FOR A BLACK HUNT, A MUTE PACK CHAPTER II    IT IS LUCKY THAT THE PONT D'AUSTERLITZ BEARS CARRIAGES    Uncertainty was at an end for Jean Valjean:   fortunately it still lasted for the men.   He took advantage of their hesitation. It was time lost for them, but gained for him.   He slipped from under the gate where he had concealed himself, and went down the Rue des Postes, towards the region of the Jardin des Plantes.   Cosette was beginning to be tired.   He took her in his arms and carried her. There were no passers-by, and the street lanterns had not been lighted on account of there being a moon.   He redoubled his pace.   In a few strides he had reached the Goblet potteries, on the front of which the moonlight rendered distinctly legible the ancient inscription:--       De Goblet fils c'est ici la fabrique;[14]    Venez choisir des cruches et des broos,    Des pots a fleurs, des tuyaux, de la brique.

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