Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is there another way out of here?

"Oh, burn them out, come down hard on them. I've seen it all before," Tsarmina sneered. "Well, fox, what's your next move?" "Is there another way out of here?" * 'There's the scullery and larder entrance on the north side, but it's only a small door." "It'll have to do. Let's give it a try." At the scullery and larder entrance the door was shut tight with rusted bolts which took some considerable time to move. When it was finally opened, the troops hung about reluctantly. Nobody seemed very keen on dashing out to do battle. Bane prodded a Kotir soldier with his sword. "Come on. You lot have got shields. Get out there!" The stoat turned sullenly to Brogg. "He's not giving me orders. I've got six seasons' service here. Him and his lot only arrived yesterday." Tsarmina rushed up the corridor, thrusting creatures aside. 276 "Get out there, you and you,*' she ordered. "Form a barrier of shields the way youVe been trained to do!" Her word was final; there was no arguing with the Queen of the Thousand Eyes. Three soldiers pushed their way out into the open, shields held up in front. A slingstone cracked the middle ferret on his paw. He yelped with pain, automatically dropping the shield. Arrows hissed in once more, reducing the ranks by a further three. High in a sycamore, Barklad fired off an arrow as he remarked to his companion, "How long d'you think we can keep this up, Pear?"

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