Thursday, March 29, 2012

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A beech is a tree and a beach is a shore, And if sky is blue and wind blew too, Your silly old father is wiser than you, So weigh my words as you go on your way. Tomorrow's today when the night falls away!' "

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Amid the applause that followed Finnbarr slipped back into the darkness, fading away like a shadow. Log-a-Log followed him, rapier at the ready. Rufe noticed them going and said in a loud voice to Patch, "Where are those two going, mate?" "Keep yer voice down, Rufey, an' act normal like," the Guosim shrew cautioned him. There followed a squeal and a scuffle. Joseph reached for a boarding pike as he whispered, "Stay calm, every-beast, keep your weapons close to paw and wait until Finnbarr or Log-a-Log calls us. There's been something or someone out there since dusk!" "Owow, lemme go! Get y'paws off me, searat!" Durry was startled by the shrill voice. He turned to see Finnbarr hauling a struggling young squirrel over the rail. "Be still, yer liddle rogue, or I'll tan yer 'ide. Ouch! 'E bit me!" Log-a-Log materialized out of the gloom, tugging a 26o BRIAN JACQUES small, sobbing mousemaid behind him. "Here's another one; I reckon there's more out there!"

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