Thursday, March 29, 2012

Carp, y'say.

Slipp tried burrowing deeper into the bed linen, as Tarquin turned him none-too-gently onto the floor. "Go 'way, s'only just dawn, beat it!" he grumbled. The hefty paw of Mother Mellus scooped the searat up onto his paws. "Less of your insolence! You said you were a cook, so let's see you up and cooking!" Blaggut poked his head from beneath the pillow, giggling dozily as he watched the proceedings. "Show 'em what yore made of, Cap'n. Burn up a mess o'skilly an' duff; that'll warm the cockles of their 'earts, hahaharr!" The badger turned as she propelled Slipp through the doorway. "I wouldn't laugh too much if I were you, Blaggut; there's two friends outside want to see you. Go in and wake the nice rat up, my Dibbuns!" 267 268 BRIAN JACQUES The mousebabe and the molemaid came dashing in and threw themselves upon Blaggut, buffeting him unmercifully with Slipp's pillow. "Cummon, mista Blackguts, Ma Mellus said you was a carpenter, we wanna see you carp!" "Carp, y'say. Well, I dunno," said Blaggut as he sat up and scratched himself absently. "Let's see, mates, wot d'yer want ole Blaggy ter carp for ye?" Furrtil the molemaid was in no doubt at all. "Ee lickle boat to sail on ee Abbey pond, zurr, so's us'n's can set in it. Can ee carp a boat, zurr Blackguts?'' Blaggut sensed a chance to help Slipp achieve his desire. "Mebbe I kin, mebbe I cain't. Boats don't git carped fer nothin', mates. D'you know where the secret treasure of this 'ere Redwall h'Abbey is 'idden?"

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