Wednesday, March 28, 2012

If you want food

Mara waded forward and seized the rope. Several shrews hurried to help her, and the badger maid called to them, "Pull! Pull with all your might!" On the topside of the pit toads attached themselves to the rope and hauled frantically. "Krruuuukk! Heave! If you want food, heave!" Glagweb shouted at them. The toughened grass rope stretched and squeaked taut as creatures at both ends bent their backs into the tug-of-war. Two young shrews named Scraggle and Wikk climbed over the heads of the others and began attacking the rope with their bare teeth. Pikkle smiled grimly. "That's the stuffier give the troops, lads. Bite away!" Several toads leaned over the edge and prodded with their tridents, but they were driven back with a volley of mudballs from the pit below. Scraggle and Wikk bit furiously into the straining rope, spitting dried grass left and right as their sharp teeth worked on the fibers. The rope parted with a loud snapl On top the toads went staggering back and landed in a heap on Glagweb. He thrust at them cruelly with his trident. "Krrrrekk! Off, fools. Get off the King!" Mara, Pikkle and Nordo fell back into the pit in a splashing deluge of watery mud. Still clinging to the severed half of the rope, a pile of shrews fell in on top of them. Through the slime and sludge they laughed aloud at their victory. "We won! We won! Hooray!" "I say, good show, you chaps. That'll teach old Glag guts, wot?" An arrow came streaking down and pierced Scraggle's paw. Glagweb appeared at the pit edge with several toad archers. "Krrrg! Kill! Kill them all!"

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